Management and Leadership

/Management and Leadership

Corrective Feedback Conversation

1 h
Targeted audience
Middle Management
Lower Management
Public with management responsibilities

Educational Objectives

Awareness of corrective feedback conversation issues
How to proceed with an efficient corrective feedback conversation
Soften communication between co-workers
Reinforce co-workers’ motivation


Combination of a didactical e-learning module and a role-playing as a Serious Game for an optimal impact

Educational Objectives

Availability, listening
Focus on the essential

« Situation is the following: a co-worker doing […]

Delegation interview

1 h
Targeted audience
Middle Management
Lower Management
Public with management responsibilities

Educational Objectives

Awareness of delegation’s issues
To master best practices of delegation


Combination of a didactical e-learning module and a role-playing as a Serious Game for an optimal impact

Analysis axes

Appropriate formulation
Participative listening and empathy
Interview’s structure
Co-workers motivation
Concrete objectives
Management levels
Active support


« In this situation, you are in charge of a department, whose hierarchy […]

Annual review meeting

1 h
Targeted audience
Middle Management
Lower Management
Public with management responsibilities

Educational Objectives

To identify the issues of the annual review meeting
To optimize leadership of the annual review meeting
To encourage communication with subordinates
To strengthen the motivation of subordinates


Combination of a didactical e-learning module and a role-playing as a Serious Game for an optimal impact

Analysis axes

Introduction’s structure
Objectives definition
Taking responsibilities and accountability […]

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